the ribbed scarf...
... was for my Dad's eightieth birthday. Here's a bit of knitterly joy: the night before his birthday he said to me, unprompted, "You know, someday I would love to have a scarf that you made. I love a real, woolen scarf." My poker face must have been effective, because he appeared utterly surprised the next morning when he opened the gift! I'm so pleased.
Recent reading:
Apart from an Agatha Christie spate, brought on by the MM's recent discovery of Miss Marple, I've been reading a lot of Anita Shreve. The answer (although you don't yet know the question) is: I like her historical fiction waaaay more than her contemporary stuff. Two that I loved:
Fortune's Rocks Turn of the 20th century, set in an unforgettable seaside house in coastal New Hampshire. A love story, and an agonizing portrait of social restrictions. Awesome characters.
Sea Glass Depression era, set in the SAME HOUSE (also the setting for The Pilot's Wife). Again a love story, against the background of a mill workers' strike. She really is gifted at place and time and character. A beautiful book.
Now rereading Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose for my so-called book club, and just finishing a recent Ruth Rendell, 13 Steps Down. I haven't quite figured this one out yet.
Finally, just for fun, here is a study I call "Sleeping Poodle with Dishcloth in Progress."
Recent reading:
Apart from an Agatha Christie spate, brought on by the MM's recent discovery of Miss Marple, I've been reading a lot of Anita Shreve. The answer (although you don't yet know the question) is: I like her historical fiction waaaay more than her contemporary stuff. Two that I loved:
Fortune's Rocks Turn of the 20th century, set in an unforgettable seaside house in coastal New Hampshire. A love story, and an agonizing portrait of social restrictions. Awesome characters.
Sea Glass Depression era, set in the SAME HOUSE (also the setting for The Pilot's Wife). Again a love story, against the background of a mill workers' strike. She really is gifted at place and time and character. A beautiful book.
Now rereading Wallace Stegner's Angle of Repose for my so-called book club, and just finishing a recent Ruth Rendell, 13 Steps Down. I haven't quite figured this one out yet.
Finally, just for fun, here is a study I call "Sleeping Poodle with Dishcloth in Progress."

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