und endlich...
My final few FOs of the summer.

A simple 3 X 3 rib scarf from two balls of Rowan Tapestry. It's a surprise, so I can't tell you who or what it's for yet. Many thanks to Maeve at Knit Happens for the blocking advice! It turned out exactly the way I wanted it to.

Assorted dishcloths out of Sugar n Cream. Several other dishcloths got churned out over the last two months that have already been put to use or given away without so much as a ceremonial photo. More to come too (holidays approach!).
Now I'm off to take the poodle to the dog park, meself to Old Navy, and Penguin Boy to the allergist. That way everything should be squared away for tomorrow's departure for Vermont and a three-day visit with the parents extraordinaire.
Bis bald!

A simple 3 X 3 rib scarf from two balls of Rowan Tapestry. It's a surprise, so I can't tell you who or what it's for yet. Many thanks to Maeve at Knit Happens for the blocking advice! It turned out exactly the way I wanted it to.

Assorted dishcloths out of Sugar n Cream. Several other dishcloths got churned out over the last two months that have already been put to use or given away without so much as a ceremonial photo. More to come too (holidays approach!).
Now I'm off to take the poodle to the dog park, meself to Old Navy, and Penguin Boy to the allergist. That way everything should be squared away for tomorrow's departure for Vermont and a three-day visit with the parents extraordinaire.
Bis bald!
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